Implementation of automation systems increases сompetitiveness and management of business. But before buying something, it is necessary to clarify: is this software really necessary for you; does it resolve tasks of your entreprise? It is necessary to estimate the terms and sum of money needed; to define goals, priorities and risks, and in general, to get acquainted with the work of a company, to which you will entrust implementation.
We prepare everything necessary for the project launch:
- Description of tasks to be realized.
- Fixation of constraints and of indicators.
- Selection of the basic technology.
- Budget.
Schedule an appointment with us straight away!
We will call you within a day and discuss issues important for you.
Till you think, someone has already initiated his project of success.
Price of express-examination is approximately 10% from an overall cost of the project on automation.
If the business is not big, and the tasks are simple, it will take minimum time and money. If the project is large, then taking a blind decision on its start is extremely risky.
Title | Description |
Stages of full project readiness | |
Express-examination | |
Description of business-processes | |
Specification of requirements |
Following the results of relevant stages it is possible to:
1) Execute a tender and to choose a contractor for the development and implementation.
2) Start the optimisation of business-processes to ameliorate a business.
3) Start project implementation.
Following the results of the three stages the technical tasks for the project is ready.
1) A call: you concisely tell to the consultant about an idea of your project and about a company.
2) An Agreement on Examination: we align and sign it.
3) An interview: we interview your employees, and examine processes and workflow. We clarify all the details. We come to an understanding.
4) A report: we analyse data and create a report and recommendations.
5) A presentation: you get a creative presentation of the report. You discuss it and take a decision on further work.
6) We will gladly continue a work on the project with you.
‘TQM systems’ company has been operating on the IT market in Ukraine for 10 years.
We get specialized in complex projects with an individual approach. We always use as the example the latest technologies, that are checked in practice.
Our goal is to create an ideal solution for a business together with a client.
We created automation systems for such organisations as: Bayer, Abbott, MSD, Telenor, Osram, Witex, Аlfa ChemGroup, Colvy,,Weatherford, Ukravit, MOYO, Lysoform medical, Аvers, Metal Holding, Stan-set.
The range of solutions is wide: from separate functional blocks to integration of the whole row of program complexes.
One of the newest projects is implementation of ERP system for production-trade group Ukravit.
The company is a part of organisation ‘Association of automators of Ukraine’. It is a certified supplier of solutions.
Our task is to propose to a client the best solution, that is why we do not bind ourselves by a preference of specific technologies, programs or configurations. We always select a relevant and modern solution, that as of now as well as in the perspective will maximum satisfy necessities of the client.
We have partner agreements with companies-representatives of all technological platforms, that are popular in Ukraine. You control the progress of work.
You control the progress of work
We provide to a client an access to a system of planning and management of projects. It allows a client to monitor the works, progress of its execution, costs, consequences. Thanks to such an approach the client is promptly informed about works. He also can manage the project processes.
The success of the project is guaranteed
Our company is the participant of the Center of a Project Success Guarantees. It is a union of partners on the market of automation. The participants in the framework of the center exchange experience and professionals with necessary competences. This helps to resolve specific tasks. That is why our clients are sure that solutions for a project will be found anyway.
In the beginning of our mutual collaboration we realize a demo-meeting. A given service aims to identify your goals and results you wish to achieve at the end of the process of automotive system implementation. It is also possible to determine immediately during a demonstration what software exactly will suit your needs, as well as the contour of necessary refinements and a technology of implementation suitable for you.
The first point - it is awareness of the necessity of the changes. It can emanate from the top, from the top management, from the initiative of a stakeholder, from results of a serious audit of entreprise work; or from bottom, because of accumulated issues in business-processes.
Awareness of necessity can be expressed differently: in the form of explicit and structured document with the description of all desired requirements or in the form of free-form description of key suggestions. At this stage it can be absolutely unclear, what concretely is needed. It can only be clear that necessity to change processes of information processing is unavoidable. It often helps a business to ameliorate сompetitive positions.
Awareness of a necessity is present, what’s then?
Then there immediately appear multiple questions:
To plan the project competently, an express-examination helps get the answers to all these questions.
Preproject express-examination is a stage, at which the preliminary collection of information about a business occurs, as well as its analysis and formation of initial recommendations.
It responds to conceptual questions:
It defines:
The main task of express-examination: to work out in detail the requirements of a customer profoundly enough to narrow the range of labour input assessment and to clarify the choice of basic system.
The result: a report on business examination with the definition of project tasks; definition of current level of business equipping and final recommendations on a choice and set up of a software complex as well as of a hardware.
The report becomes a basis for further works on the project. During examination an abstract goal (‘We want to optimise sales’ or ‘There is a necessity to implement ERP’) gets transformed into systematic tasks tree.
Such a report, composed by competent analysts provides a final detailed assessment of a project on the basis of which it is possible to execute a tender on contractor selection.
Recommendations following the results of the examination can be provided as a piece of advice to reject implementation of any system for a reason of expediency of it and to resolve issues by executing internal optimization of business processes.
To reject a project in time is also a successful strategy.
Preproject express-examination de facto is an assessment of expediency of a project in general and a search of ways of its realisation, budget assessment and terms of its implementation.
Clients at the beginning are often occupied by a question: How detailed an analysis should be? Can description of suggestions from a company be considered an analysis?
The answer: A report has to be quite detailed to eliminate dual interpretations!
A scheme from life:
Management took a decision on implementation of a new system
+ It described main suggestions.
+ It requested a market price for contractors.
+ It chose minimum price of a contractor and initiated implementation
= 50% of unsuccessful projects
When it comes to serious projects it is necessary to understand: to describe suggestions on 1-2 or even on 5 pages is a result if becoming aware of necessity of project implementation. In order for such an awareness to grow into a project it is necessary to execute competent preproject examination.
The main goal of a preproject examination is to help a contractor to take a justified decision on implementation of automated system on the basis of revealed problems and to assess risks of not being active.
What is necessary to execute in the process of examination, in order to achieve a key goal:
ОExamination also resolves conceptually important problem: ‘of the unified language’.
A contractor and a customer can interpret terms differently. Because of interpretations during the implementation the necessity to increase a project budget can arise
For example: the task ‘budgeting’ can mean long-term planning and also treasury (short-term planning of cash flow): it will add works to a project.
It can happen vice versa: preliminary works were supposed, but examination showed that they are unnecessary.
Express-examination provides only initial understanding of a project for further detailed study of business-processes at an organisation. It is not exhaustive.
At the same time works on examination are the part of works on technical tasks composition. It can be said it is similar to composition of a detailed plan of a technical task.
What works an analyst executes during examination:
If at the stage of examination to double-check all points carefully, then further work on project implementation will be quite effective.
According to the results it is already possible to forecast how effective implementation of information system will be.
Numerous companies aiming to economise its time, can propose express-examination on the basis of a questionnaire.
For example, to fill in the questionnaire according to blocks:
How effective such a method is for a customer can be evaluated on a time basis, time that top-managers will spend on independent filling in of the questionnaires.
In classic, the most effective variant of an examination a survey-interview of key specialists and management of a customer is preliminary executed by competent consultants.
For example, for a production entreprise the functional managers are interviewed one by one:
Interview is done according to a prepared checklist, that can be easily adapted during the practice of examination execution. It helps to a consultant to get important answers, without missing something.
It is additionally recommended to interview employees of different levels, top managers and specialists, as well as randomly chosen staff members. It will help to reveal the situations, when concrete business-processes form the point of view of management look differently as they are in reality, in real work of employees. A middle manager can perceive the process from his point of view. Identification of such mismatches in a business-process helps to avoid further problems with the project. It helps to optimise work of the company in general.
It is mandatory that according to the results of the interview a protocol is drawn up. It is aligned by signatures of all the parties. The protocols are further analysed by a contractor.
An additional examination can be needed: to examine working places, production facility, warehouses, other facilities.
After key interviewing, additional meeting can be needed in order to clarify selected issues. It is important for a contractor to understand profoundly the specifics of business-processes. It will facilitate the next stages of a project.
After comprehensive information collection, data gets documented and documents gets aligned.
According to results ‘The report on examination’ is formed. It is mandatory to be approved by specialists and management of contractors.
The result of preproject express-examination is a report, that defines expediency of implementation and contains information about the next points:
Separately are formed:
It helps to a customer to understand how well a contractor is ready to organise works on the project as well as to assess direct involvement of the personnel and their load.
In general the report on examination becomes a starting point for the overall project. Such a document has to be composed till the beginning of any works to be realised within the project.
On the basis of it, a contractor forms a commercial proposal.
After an in-depth elaboration with a client, understanding of results of express-examination, the next step towards implementation will be detailed description of business-processes, where it is precisely determined what the current and desired state is; as well as requirements specification, that will become a part of detailed technical task.
Much is said about the fact that execution of preproject examination is correct. We also get based on the fact that prepoject examination execution is beneficial for an owner of the business.
Eventually, it all comes down to money and risk: how to invest wisely and not to lose.
Before investing to a building sector the project documentation is prepared compulsorily. It is needless to say that engineers develop drawings, schemes depending on customers demands and stick to them. It is important to take building up an automation system as carefully as building an office. If not the right building is built, it has to be rebuild. If foundation fails, the process of building has to be started from the beginning.
A outcome of express-examination is information needed to take a correct decision.
A contractor gets:
During the examination a developer also gets the range of important information, that consequently, allows to execute the project in a more organised and more successful manner:
In general, preproject examination allows not only to prepare a clear description and documentation on project implementation, but also to get new experience and knowledge that can be used further on business organisation.
Though, the main value of a preproject examination for a business is information, that enables to get a clear understanding:
According to the global statistics, 30% of the projects executed without a preliminary examination were not finalized at all. Many did not meet the expectations of the customer. In Ukrainian reality this statistical data shows not smaller numbers.
Experience of observation shows that if a project is complicated and goes beyond frameworks of standard configuration, than 50% of projects without preliminary examination run with major difficulties at the stage of the implementation. It is often expressed in execution of excessive works, loss of time and consequently, loss of money
It happens, that after implementation of one system, chosen for good luck without examination, a customer starts to search for another variant, more appropriate one, taking into account gained experience. Though, such an experience is gained at the cost of the overall implementation, when at the beginning of the project it was only necessary to execute examination.
20% of works ensure 80% of the implementation success, and these are the works on examination.
To stop in time
In practice results of examination can show that the project is better not to start.
It can be connected with unreadiness of a company to accept changes or the planned automation does not resolve the problems of a customer, or refinements will be too expensive and results of the project will not justify invested money.
A decision to reject a failure projects is also a positive result. It stops from spending money in vain.
We recently have recommended to a client on the basis of a preproject examination not to execute examination of some areas, but to realize reorganisation of business-processes and to make works the the optimal possible, as an effect from implementation of system block will not lead to economy and therefore the costs will not be justified. As the result the client at the very beginning economised thousands.
If not to execute examination before the start of the project, it will extend the terms of implementation of the next stages.
As examination will be executed any way, as it is crucially important for an implementation, but in the process of project realisation, then all the working, technical and organisational moments, new requirements etc. will be clarified at that point. All of it will extend the terms and change a budget, allocated before examination. This will lead to the range of problems and very often such projects result in total failure.
That is why any experienced company in order not to spoil its portfolio by unrealised projects, will advocate for necessity of preproject examination of a customer’s business. If a customer thinks differently, it is better at the initial stage to reject the contract, than to work on the project that with high percentage of probability will fail. It can affect business reputation.
It resolves the problem of a contractor selection according to a price.
Simply on request a contractor can not define financial value of the project. It can estimate it, basing calculations on its experience in finding a solution. Though, the price for a concrete customer is individual.
If there is a wish to have a look at commercial proposal first, then a cifra will be very approximate, and, may be, absolutely wrong. Bias depends on complicity and volume of tasks and can even be 10 times less.
In the proposal it can be clearly inscribed the price of examination, and the final sums after realization can be received only when the results of examination become available.
In order to define price of preproject examination a consultation with an analyst is needed. It can be held when negotiations on the phone occur.
Price calculation
If a software company at the initial stage of relationships formation with the future customer not attentively studies the project, but its main task is to conclude an agreement on development at any price, then a customer can be proposed to fill in questionnaire alternatively to an examination. This will be done for free.
If the aim of an examination is to realise a project successfully, then a contractor will need to involve considerable resources. This costs money.
Correct express-examination is a full-value consulting service.
According to the results of it a customer will get a clear understanding of project goals, structure of future events, their price and terms.
The price of the project can be approximately redistributed according to its stages in such a proportion:
If a contractor accomplished its task diligently, then after an express-examination a customer can either reject the project, without risking anything or to execute a public tender to choose a contractor in order to continue the process.
An average price range for express-examination as of today equals to 30 000 - 70 000 UAH.
An exact price is formed on the basis of work input. It depends on entreprise specifics, volume, the range of tasks and complicity of processes of a customer.
Process of examination presupposes interviewing of top managers, managers of automated business units, initiators and all the other project’s stakeholders.
The term of execution is from 2 to 5 days.
The next stage on business processes description and specification will take from 0,5 to 2 months, depending on the scale of a project.
The depth of examination is defined by the project goals. It can be presented by elaboration of individual functional blocks, for example: personnel record and production planning. Examination can also become an instrument necessary for preparation of materials necessary for development of full-value IT strategy of company development in future perspective, with the aim to develop competitive advantages.
From the legal point of view it is correct to conclude two agreements: an individual agreement on express-examination and the second agreement on project realization. It is beneficial for a customer, as before examination execution it is not clear, for what exactly an agreement on implementation has to be concluded: there are no described requirements and, therefore, obligations that arise after projects results are derived are impossible to inscribe in agreement. That is why a customer protects itself from an unpredicted result, if it signs a project agreement only on the basis of examination results.
Executions of works on examination is quite a considerable subject of an agreement.
Implementation will possibly not be realized at all, if on the basis of an examination a customer will understand that it will exceed a budget or that sticking to terms will be hard now. Other reasons can also initiate a decision to reject a project and to postpone it for half a year or a year.
In the agreement on project realization it is also stated that a contractor is obliged to provide a service, and the customer is obliged to pay for it. Service description is a subject of an agreement. It is formed during the project examination.
Report is a part of an agreement. It is also a criterion according to which works acceptance and audit will be executed later on.
Conclusions: what the future actions are, the consecutive stages.
Express examination provides a basis for a project: it is a concise general description of a project with clear list of tasks and decisions suggestions. Though, it does not imply detailed exhaustive description of customer's business processes. It also does not analyse content and quality of source data.Though, each task supposes detailed description at the next stages.
According to the results of a preproject examination a decision about future fate is taken. If it has to be, then the next stages of preproject examination are executed and 2 fundamental documents are formed:
Together with a reports they form a technical task of the project.
As implementation of a new technology at the company is only the half-way technical issue, the major difficulties create organisational moments, exacerbated by moral state of employees. Innovations are always painful. No matter how optimistic top management takes the process, support from a developer is important for managers, in terms of informing on all moments aligned with a project. This helps to provide to key employees an information necessary for understanding and planning of their participation, what helps to organise personnel and to promptly take informed decisions.
What stages a customer undergoes during examination:
Interview -it is an acquaintance with contractor's consultants. He discusses with them in detail necessities of the business in automation.
Report: expert systematization description of tasks and problems of an entreprise together with recommendations on their automated resolvement.
Report elaboration: systematized report data illustrates the situation at the company and it can be discussed with a contactor; correct understanding can be clarified and individual points of view can be examined.
Analysis of budget terms and opportunities.
As the result of examination and joint work on the plan of preparation before the launch of the project a Customer undergoes considerable preparation, necessary to take an informed decision about project launch.
In any case during a preliminary consultation the volume and price of a preproject examination can be assessed. Further development of the project depends on correctly planned steps and actions. Examination aims to collect information necessary for such a planning.
If you plan:
Contact our consultants! They will help you to determine organisation of express-examination.
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