CRM for small business - is a software product to automate the process of interaction with customers for companies up to 100 people. CRM system can be deployed as a cloud solution or locally on your servers. Implemented functionality of storage of all information about customers, sales funnel, personal and group assignments, status of the clients, and synchronization with other systems at the payment documents and customers database.
The solution is built on the basis of a typical responsive design that will work equally well as on a conventional monitor or on your tablet or phone.
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Login: Admin
Password: Administrator2016!
We are developing complete systems for businesses. Ready-made solutions and custom development. From scratch and redevelopment of existing systems. We have extensive experience in the implementation and automation of ERP, ECM, CRM, etc. Our clients.
Cost of the work of our experts: 35$-60$ per our
Contuct us to estimate your project!
The basic functionality of the system are divided into background information and displaying data and reports at the desktops of the leader and coordinator . The system has several levels and access rights to data and displayed information.
At the desktop of the head displays information about the coordinators, managers and customers. Implementation of the plan and account receivable. Overdue tasks.
In the block "Statistics on coordinators" shows the number of new created customers, the number of calls and statuses customer that have changed.
In the dashbord "Statistics on Managers" is displayed clients debitor receivables on managers, plan for the current month and the fact that is was loaded with payment and other documents.
In the "Clients for the distribution" displays information about customers, which are necessary to categorize for sales funnel, if they did not fall into any category automatically.
In the "Overdue tasks and calls" displays information about the tasks of users or a specific user based on the current user's access rights.
Base of customers in the CRM (Small Business) is presented as workspace with a lists with the possibility to set up the necessary selections. There're highlighted customers for whom there was no one sale, and they still have not changed status. For instance if a potential customer did not have any sales, it is highlighted. The status of current client could change if there were no sales for the last 60 days and etc.
Customers from this workspace will open in a new browser tab in order not to shoot down the selected user settings of the customers filters.
In the client's cards collected the most information about the various interactions with him. About calls and meetings, about upcoming events and debts.
Categories of clients were implemented with using a separate directory and there is posibility to choice of this information in each client card.
Causes of failures in CRM (for instance of refusal to make a purchase) are implemented with a separate directory and there is posibility to choice of this information in the events of the client.
Sales funnel in CRM implemented using graphics diagram in which customers are divided according to a customized business-processes sale's model.
The report "Causes of failure" displays customers who refused of the purchase for one reason or another. In the report there are groupings by the directory of failure causes and recorded customer information in the events.
At the report "Sales plans" you can see statistics by the managers, as well as to specify and adjust the plans for each of them. The facts is pulled from the settlement documents of customers (integration API).
CRM (Small Business) installation options | Price, $ to 10 users | Price, $ from 10 users |
CRM (Small Business) in Cloud (per user / per month) | 5$ | 4$ |
CRM (Small Business) on Demand (per user) | 50$ | 40$ |
Important! For our customers, we offer free use of the SaaS service "CRM (Small Business)".
For receiving CP with the conditions of free CRM systems:
To build logic a client-side of application was used AngularJS - one of the most popular framework for single-page web application (SPAs).
To create a responsive and adaptive interface was used Bootstrap.
To build the client part of the project was used Gulp.
For automated testing was used Jasmine + Karma.
Server application: .Net framework 4.5.2, Asp .Net Web Api 2, Entity framework 6.1.2
DBMS: MS SQL Express 2014
Web-server: IIS 8.5
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