After we published our video on the methodology of Three-Point Estimation of the project budget, we received many questions about the original source of the method.
Even down to the question they asked in comments: “Where did you get the methodology from, and who had made this nonsense up?”
The answer is: We haven’t invented this “nonsense”, this nonsense has been invented in the PMI Standard PMBoK 6th Edition as a project management tool.
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) - a manual containing a set of acknowledged processes and ensure project management tasks implementation in any industry.
PMI - Project Management Institute.
PMBOK contains fundamental and basic practices that, according to PMI, provide commercial results for any organization.
PMI PMBoK 6th Edition was issued in September 2017. The Standard contains almost 1 000 pages, this edition consists of two books:
Three new processes had also been added to the new edition:
PMI has radically revised its monitoring and tracking approach.
First, we will briefly talk about the Estimation methodology, and then about the book itself in a nutshell.
There are five different evaluation methods in the knowledge area of project schedule management, in tools and methods.One of them is Three-Point Estimation. This is an evaluation in the PERT methodology and, in fact, we consider it one of the most effective tools for managing evaluation in large and not large tasks.
PERT: Program (Project) Evaluation and Review Technique — evaluation and analysis technique.
СWatch video about the estimation, why this method should be used: Three-Point Estimation >>>
About the Book on Effective Project Management Based on the Standard
Now I will tell about the book itself in a nutshell.
In a more accessible way, you can get an understanding of the Standard from the book “Effective Project Management Based on the PMI PMBOK 6th Edition Standard”
Author: Alexander Pavlov.
This book is not the Standard itself, but comrade Pavlov’s comments about effective management are based on this Standard.
If you are only starting out... there are actually several different standards in all and PMI PMBOK is one of them. It was issued by Project Management Institute with headquarters in Pennsylvania USA.
This whole book is based, in fact, on the description and narrative on 10 knowledge areas of project management (I will not list them, you can find them yourself in the Standard), and 5 groups of processes.
The book is quite difficult in the context of reading, because it has a very standardized approach for each chapter. I mean, it describes what the Standard is called, what inputs, tools and methods and what outputs are used. That is, the whole book is written like this. It’s difficult to read it if you haven’t read the Standard itself, because it’s comments to the 6th edition already.
If we are talking specifically about utility, then this is actually a reference book. So, you can draw some basic things for yourself.
You may not accept some things in the book, I agree with the author, for example that leadership qualities are given by God. However, they can be developed! That’s why you can actually skim over the book.
In some things, he goes deeper and does it right, uses some descriptions, tools and methods, details them. In some places, some things are completely incomprehensible; he simply skips them, and describes them very superficially.
To top it off, it will be quite difficult for you to make up any final templates or documents from this book, because they are not there. There are no examples there, it is described only what it should contain. However, you will not find what exactly does a document itself look like, you won’t find its template here. Although, in fact, this is one of the disciplines that is also needed in project management.
Nevertheless, if you have not read the Standard, if you just want to understand what project management is all about, read the book, and then the Standard itself. It will be useful..
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