Quite rarely, businesses and companies have an isolated accounting environment. Everyone has suppliers, whether you are a manufacturer or distributor of certain goods. Though accounting system and integration tool development has simplified our work, but our accounting systems are still disconnected from each other and exist separately. B2B Web applications (B2B WebApps) are services with two companies’ data existing in the same environment and interacting with each other.
One of the most well-known B2B services in Ukraine (from the English business-to-business) is the Prozorro platform. Although, to be completely accurate, most of it is B2G (from the English business-to-government) and it is a service, not an application, but more information on this you will find in separate articles. Prozorro service joins businesses together to solve a common task - tender holding. For the announcer, it is an opportunity to announce and track all participants in a tender or group of tenders. For executives, it is an opportunity to track all tenders of interest and receive notifications from them.
Another frequently used option, and we use it very often in our activity, is Jira, where a common project solution is conducted and analyzed in the customer’s and contractor’s general account.
Among comments to the presentation "Сontrol аutomation of Min and Max permanent warehouse balances and maximum allowable delivery price" was a comment of the speaker, who described how his hotel works with its suppliers through a B2B Web application.
There are quite many such options for implementing joint processes.
As you can guess from the examples described above, building a B2B Web application should solve some kind of common task. Quite often, various startups try to solve such a task.
Let's consider a possible solution. А distributor company uses its own vehicles and hires a third-party contractor for delivery. Suppose that the company has already automated its logistics process in its accounting system, but what about the rented vehicles? You can automate entire process in your system, but hence appear several additional tasks. Is it necessary to allow an external user the entrance to your system, which is also possible, but this is a different class of systems, or organize your own operator, who will enter these data for your external partner?
.. companies can create a common B2B Web application for solving joint tasks. In this case, the solution functionality may differ for each company.
Alternatively, companies can create a B2B Web application for solving joint delivery tasks (or one of the companies can do it, if it determines and can impose the use of certain business processes on its partner). At the same time, the solution functionality for each company may differ. A carrier can serve not only a specific client, but a client can work not only with one carrier. Extending this functionality turns a B2B Web application into a B2B Web service.
The key, conceptual advantage is a single information space going beyond the company, but reflecting a single business process.
Developing a unified accounting environment within one company framework is not easy; there are often departments and individuals opposing each other. Moreover, single service creation for two companies only raises the complexity.
There are situations when companies actually serve a single client. According to this scheme, for example, McDonald’s and its logistics company operate. Then the donor company can significantly influence both IT infrastructure development strategy and processes in general.
The different level of requirements for one system is always difficult in terms of coordinating requirements and task priorities.
How to determine, which processes should be automated by this model?
If it brings organizational and financial benefits directly or indirectly by speeding up services or improving quality.
Not necessarily. You can host your application or one of your partners in a cloud with access only to certain workstations or IP addresses.
We will not dive into complex IT terminology. Here are the answers from Quora (Quora is the most authoritative platform concentrating expert opinions from around the world):
Quora: what is better and in which cases? - .NET is great for building robust and scalable enterprise applications (whereas Python is best used for data analysis and machine learning).
Quora: what is better and when: - For corporate business applications: of course, .NET; php can be used to develop small applications, mainly to interact with the end user / customer.
ASP.NET is the best choice for developing applications for automating business processes and solving business tasks in large organizations (where business users interact with suppliers / intermediaries / buyers both inside and outside the company. It is also good for medium-sized business corporate applications.
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Editor: Elena Teplitskaya
Web Apps developing
Automation of business
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