Bayer is a project on web-application development that automates business processes of a Purchasing Department. It covers an overall process: from posting a purchasing request by a user; execution of a tender process up till final check of deliveries and payments. A business case in automation from a Procurement Department.
Bayer is an international concern, that holds leading positions in the spheres such as health protection, plants protection and high technological materials production, production and sales of pharmaceutical products (one of the biggest distributors, a leader in the branch of the industry). Private limited company ‘Bayer’ in Ukraine is a part of a the global concern ‘Bayer’ with a headquarter in Leverkusen, Germany. ‘Bayer’ company in Ukraine has been running its business since 1992.
A key task, that our ‘TQM systems’ company and Private Limited Liability Company ‘Bayer’ had to accomplish was to automate functioning of the Purchasing Department of non-traded goods and services (advertising materials, services, travelling, events, fixed assets, consulting services, software programs, stationery etc.) for improvement of internal interaction within the company; automation of documentation workflow; improvement of opportunities to conduct analysis. A system (web-application) had to correspond to internal tender policy of the Department and of the company in general; to interact with other systems of audit and documentation workflow, of a mail system, through which users get messages about сurrent state of documents and applications processing.
Key stages of the project on automation were:
As the result, according to requirements of corporate policies of ‘Bayer’ company professionals of ‘TQM systems’ realized the following functionalities (all below-mentioned functions were realized by the professionals of ‘TQM systems’ in the framework of this Project on development of a web-application and its implementation and operational exploitation to enable work of colleagues from Purchasing Department via a web browser. It was integrated with other central audit systems of the company):
Registration of requests for procurement:
Approval of purchasing:
As the result, all requirements and project tasks were achieved within defined terms, ‘Bayer’ company accepted web-application in operational usage and exploitation.
Work completion statements were signed. Positive written feedback and recommendation regarding our joint work were presented by Mrs. Yusukhno, a Head of the project on behalf of ‘Bayer’. Web-application was passed for service to internal department of IT professionals of ‘Bayer’ company. As of 2018, a running Agreement on Information-Technological Support was signed between our companies.
Web-application on automation of tender process of Purchasing Department from formation of a purchasing request to delivery of an order. Integration of systems.
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Web Apps developing
Automation of business
IT Expertise
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